Health Workforce Development Not Fixed By Market
PSA Press Release
Attention: Health reporters October 10, 2002
Report Proves Health Workforce
Development Not Fixed By Market
The PSA welcomed the
findings of the Health Workforce Advisory Committee’s report
Framing Future Directions and is looking forward to
consulting its members on the shape of its submission on the
document, PSA spokesperson John Shennan said today.
“The document is a positive step forward in health workforce development, and is conclusive evidence that the 1990s market forces dogma failed to address the serious recruitment and retention issues facing New Zealand’s health workforce. We are concerned, however, that the report deals with long-term goals and strategies while our members are struggling right now with staff shortages and long hours of work.”
John Shennan said health workforce problems were at the core of industrial action currently being taken by PSA members in the Auckland mental health service and at Mid-central District Health Board.
“Auckland mental health workers and allied health staff at Mid-central reluctantly decided to take their action after a prolonged period of working with insufficient staff and resources. While they welcome the report, they are anxious to see some immediate steps towards addressing the problems they face.”
John Shennan said another factor contributing to current health workforce capacity problems was the lack of joint planning between the health and education sectors.