Te Hauora O Te Tai Tokerau Services
Joint Media Statement: Ministry of Health, Northland District Health Board, Te Tai Tokerau MAPO, and Te Hauora o Te Tai Tokerau
2 September 2002
Te Hauora O Te Tai Tokerau Services To Be Managed By Northland Health
Health services provided by Te Hauora o Te Tai Tokerau and funded by the Ministry of Health and Northland District Health Board will be managed in the interim by Northland Health.
The Ministry's Director of Public Health, Dr Colin Tukuitonga said all parties involved including the provider, Northland District Health Board and Te Tai Tokerau MAPO, had mutually agreed to an early termination of the health contracts.
"This decision is the result of a collaborative approach between all parties and a firm commitment to ensure the valuable and effective health services currently available continue to be delivered to Maori in Northland."
Dr Tukuitonga said the Ministry of Health funded $800,000 worth of public health services including; breast feeding advocacy and promotion, a Maori mental wellness programme, a healthy lifestyles programme, a project to counter stigma and discrimination, and sexuality education for Maori.
Northland District Health Board General Manager Community and Public Health Chris Farrelly, said NDHB funded approximately $400,000 worth of health services including Whanau Education delivered by Ringa Atawhai and Iwi Support (Mental Health)
"All the health services available from Te Hauora o Te Tai Tokerau will continue to be delivered by existing staff under the management of Northland Health for up to five months during which time the parties involved will transfer services to existing iwi health providers in Northland."
Dr Tukuitonga said the Ministry of Health had been reviewing its contracts with Te Hauora o Te Tai Tokerau since the provider went through a recent upheaval, with the end result being that there was uncertainty about its ongoing viability.
"We are pleased Te Hauora o Te Tai Tokerau has cooperated fully with the planning for this transition and supports the decision."
"It is in the interests of all parties to take whatever steps necessary to protect the integrity of health services delivered by Te Hauora o Te Tai Tokerau so that whanau can continue to achieve maximum health and wellbeing."