Join The New Recruits!
If you've ever wanted to get involved in a great cause
then look no further than this year's annual Guide Dog
The Appeal, running on Friday 26 April, Saturday 27 April and Sunday 28 April, needs at least another 3000 collectors nationally to join up and volunteer a couple of hours of their time.
The Royal New Zealand Foundation for the Blind says that collection locations are filling fast but further help is still needed if they are to meet their $725,000 target.
"The success of the Guide Dog Appeal depends on the number of volunteer collectors we have out on the streets over the three days of the appeal," says National Appeals Coordinator, Penny McEwan.
"Some of our long-standing collectors get in early so that they have the same street corner year after year.
"What brings them back are the rewards of knowing that the money they collect helps to breed, raise, train and match more guide dogs and fund other essential services for blind and sight-impaired New Zealanders.
"Plus you get a bit of fresh air and (hopefully) sunshine as well!"
Around the country
additional volunteer numbers still required by the
Foundation are as follows:
800 volunteer collectors for
250 volunteer collectors for Waikato/Bay of
150 volunteer collectors for Bay of Plenty
volunteer collectors for Hawke's Bay
900 volunteer
collectors for the Wellington Region
150 volunteer
collectors for Nelson/Marlborough
500 volunteer
collectors for Canterbury/West Coast
And 250 volunteer
collectors for Otago/Southland
Volunteers will be collecting donations in shopping malls, on street corners and around main shopping centres across New Zealand.
Penny McEwan urges anyone who has two or three free hours on the 26, 27 or 28 of April to contact their local fundraising manager on the tollfree 0800 DOG DAY line (0800 364 329).
The Guide Dog Appeal is raising money for guide dogs and other essential services for blind and sight-impaired New Zealanders.