Discrimination Against Maori & Pacific Kids In NZ
Easy Steps To Reduce Discrimination Against New Zealand Children – Why Haven’t They Been Taken?
Save the Children publishes a report into discrimination against Maori and Pacific Island children in New Zealand
An independent report, examining discrimination and difference amongst children in New Zealand, concludes that Maori and Pacific Island children are ‘discriminated against in a very real way’, and calls on the New Zealand government to reform statute law to reduce outcome differences.
The report Children’s Rights: Equal Rights is released today by Save the Children, on the anniversary of the adoption of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC) by 189 countries, the most widely ratified treaty ever. The New Zealand government signed the report in 1993, with three reservations relating to: child labour, immigration status and the detention of juveniles and adults in the same institution.
Save the Children calls for:
government to incorporate the CRC into statute
the establishment of an independent body to
monitor the compliance of current and new legislation with
the CRC
the Statistics Department to produce
disaggregated statistics on children which would enable the
level of poverty in New Zealand to be measured against that
in other OECD (the Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development) countries.
the government to
fund an alternative, aid agency report on New Zealand’s
compliance with the CRC
“At a time when concern for children’s issues and for their future has never been higher, it is a national embarrassment for New Zealand to be dragging its heels on this universally accepted treaty,” said Save the Children’s executive director John Bowis.
“Embracing the principles of the UN Convention would make a strong statement about how we value our children. It makes a commitment to children, and is a fundamental step in reducing the disparity in futures which is the realty for New Zealand children.”
against Maori and Pacific Island children is illustrated by
the following facts noted in the report:
infants have an infant mortality rate 150 per cent higher
than that of the general population
exclusions show a significant bias against Maori – while
they make up 29 per cent of the school population, they
constitute 40 to 46 per cent of students who are
45 per cent of Pacific Island children
are in the lowest ten per cent of households (overall
population) with the lowest income
income for Maori families is $10,000 per annum less than for
other families
Youth suicide in New Zealand is
already high at 22 per 100,000 but for Maori people it is
more than double this at 56 per 100,000
We would like to acknowledge the work of Tamarapa Lloyd (Ngati Tuwharetoa, Ngati Turmakina and Te Arawa, Nagati Whakaue) and Robert Ludbrook who researched and drafted the report.
Save the Children’s is the largest independent movement for children. We deliver immediate and lasting improvements to children’s lives worldwide.
Ends 20 November
For a copy of the report or further information
please contact:
John Bowis Executive
Phone 04 385 6847
After-hours 04 569 6911/
021 656 320
Fax 04 385
E-mail info@scfnz.org.nz
Hayes Communications and Education Co-ordinator
Phone 04
381 7573
After-hours 04 385 6028/ 021 137 6694
Fax 04
385 6793
E-mail ashlyn.hayes@scfnz.org.nz