Scoop Images: Kiwi Air Force Wins GOLD

Kiwi Air Force Wins GOLD
Saturday, 23 September 2000 11.55pm
Hercules crew from the Royal New Zealand Air Force has
beaten tactical air transport crews from the Royal Air Force
(RAF) and Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) to retain the Bullseye
The Bullseye trophy, competed for annually by the Hercules squadrons of the NZ, UK, Canadian and Australian Air Forces, was presented to Squadron Leader Ian Davie-Martin, (North Shore) the captain of the winning crew.
The RNZAF were defending champions, having won the last competition in the United Kingdom in 1998.
Place Country Captain Points
Davie-Martin 1990 points
2 RAF Churchill 1913
Nash 1773
4 RNZAF Caie 1593
5 CAF Hill 1237
6 CAF Gelinas 921
The RAAF did not participate in Bullseye 2000. The RAAF therefore retain the 'fire hydrant trophy' for 8th place.
EXERCISE BULLSEYE provides an opportunity for the RNZAF fixed wing transport force (C-130 Hercules) to align and test tactical air transport skills and procedures with those of our close allies.
The exercise culminates in a competition day where crews rapid plan, and then fly a low-level mission. During the flight a series of turn points must be identified, air dropped stores delivered with pinpoint accuracy and a spot landing on a short airfield is made. All aspects of the flight are recorded for accuracy and pinpoint timing. Penalty points are deducted for each second late and for distance from the ideal drop point for parachute dropped stores. The crew with the highest aggregate points is awarded the BULLSEYE TROPHY.