Massive mural celebrates te reo and college values
A huge new mural at The Broads playing fields is being described as a celebration of the Māori language and the values, or ngā pou, of Nelson College.
The playing fields are owned by Nelson College and the recently completed mural on a large concrete wall by local artist, Nerys Ngaruhe features the school’s colours and the words manaaki (care), pono (integrity) and kairangi (success). The three te reo terms are translations of the school’s original Latin motto ‘Pietas, Probitas, Sapientia’.
The project was organised by Nelson College parent Matt Lawrey and supported by Nelmac Kūmānu.
Nerys says the project has been an “awesome kaupapa” to be involved in and the feedback from Te Wairepo/Victory locals has been really positive.
“It was a whānau effort to paint this piece with my husband Rangi, our son Aneurin and my mother Margaret picking up rollers. Ngā mihi maioha ki a Matt Lawrey, Nelmac Kūmānu and Nelson College for being about the community we call home.”
“He kaupapa mīharo i whai wāhi atu me te whakahoki kōrero mai i te hapori o Te Wairepo kua ngākaupai ana. Ehara i te toa takitahi engari, nā taku whānau i taunaki mai. Nā taku hoa tāne, ko Rangi, nā taku tama, ko Aneurin me tōku māmā, kua hīkina te mānuka o A.G.E. Ngā mihi maioha ki a Matt Lawrey, ki a Nelmac Kūmānu me te Kāreti o Whakatū hei tautoko mai.”
CEO Jane Sheard says Nelmac Kūmānu are delighted to support a project that adds so much to the community. “We love the design and that it promotes really positive values to our tamariki,” she said.
Matt says he always thought the high profile, and often tagged wall, presented a great opportunity for a public artwork. When an Arts Festival project to put a mural on the wall didn’t get off the ground last year, he jumped at the opportunity to make it happen.
“I love what Nerys has done. Not only does it look fantastic, it’s a celebration of te reo and the school’s values, which gives it a lot of meaning and relevance. It also makes me smile every time I go passed it. I’m really grateful to the school, Nerys and our backers, Nelmac Kūmānu, for making the project possible,” he said.
Nelson College Tumuaki (Headmaster) Richard Dykes says the college appreciates the support of the local community to brighten up the public space.
“The words manaaki, pono, kairangi are our current focus on positive values and behaviour at the school. It’s great to see them publicised in this way. Many thanks to Nerys, Matt and Jane for their efforts to bring this to fruition,” he said.
In addition to the ngā pou, the mural features a tāniko design borrowed from the costumes of the Nelson College and Nelson College for Girls’ kapa haka groups. In a nice touch, the tāniko was designed by Robyn McLaren, who taught at Nelson College for Girls for over 30 years and who is the mother of one of Nelson College’s Tumuaki Tuarua/Deputy Principals, Richard McLaren.
“Mum thinks the mural is awesome,” says Richard.