Te Tai Tokerau Principals Supports Call For Massive Funding To Assist All Our Students
“The current system is flawed, and all students are owed an education that empowers and uplifts them. The ERO Report is written more from wanting to make a change to Alternative Education, than reality,” says Pat Newman President Te Tai Tokerau Principals.
He continued, “ERO and the MoE seem to believe that the only worthwhile pathway is one that leads eventually to a NCEA ending.
Everybody in education, but these two bodies, knows this is patiently ridiculous, flying in the face of known learning pedagogy, cultural learning style, and even how students all learn differently.”
He believes strongly that what people including ERO need to realise is that huge resourcing is required for all areas of education. We can not continue to expect the system to continue, built on the blood of the numbers of teachers who have fallen by the way side. We have had years of enduring funding by political parties, wasting trillions on each Minister’s Latest Pet Idea, seemingly developed at their last cocktail party, more to acquiesce their supporters, than actually do anything to help our students.
Time to ensure our children are resourced. It is also has to be remembered by those quoted as speaking on behalf of all Nga Puhi, that currently and in the near future, 90% of Maori are in main stream, an can not wait for tomorrow.
We desperately need the help now..Time to carryout the 50 plus articles in the United Nations Convention on the rights of Children.. a document signed by our governments for 50+ years, with none of these being really upheld.