Māori education hui kicks off in Ahuriri (Napier)
Māori education hui kicks off in Ahuriri
6 July 2019
NZEI Te Riu Roa's annual Māori education hui, Te Kāhui Whetū, begins today at the Eastern Institue of Technology in Ahuriri (Napier).
The hui draws around 200 NZEI Te Riu Roa members from across the education sector.
This year the hui is hosted by Ngāti Kahungunu and the theme is ”Ko te amorangi ki mua ko te hapai o ki muri.” There are many learnings from the past to be taken into the future, to lift the potential of our future.
Throughout the hui, which runs until Tuesday, members will enjoy a range of sessions that will build knowledge and grow confidence.
The hui will honour local whānau for their contributions to Māori education, and will include a Mātaruanga Māori Symposium with keynotes from Mana Liz Hunkin; Mereana Pitman, Ngahiwi Tomoana; and Petera Hakiwai.
“Our annual hui is always and inspiring and thought-provoking occasion. We will celebrate the wins we've achieved for kaiako, tamariki and whānau – and then turn our attention on to tumuaki, kaiāwhina and kohungahunga members,” said Laures Park, NZEI Te Riu Roa Matua Takawaenga.
“Each of these sector groups have long-standing work-related issues and inequities to deal to,” she said.