WM Kindergartens welcomes plan to improve early learning
He Whānau Manaaki Kindergartens, which operates 86 kindergartens in the Lower North Island as well as three home-based networks, welcomes the government’s plan to strengthen the quality and raise the funding of early childhood education.
He taonga te tamati – every child a taonga - the draft strategic plan for early learning 2019-29 includes as one of its first commitments the funding for 100 per cent qualified teachers.
Kindergartens have
been struggling to retain quality services since funding was
cut in 2010.
Whānau Manaaki Kindergartens’ chief
executive Amanda Coulston says our children, our taonga, are
entitled to a quality early education with qualified
“We support changes that will lift quality across the sector, and will enable kindergartens to continue to provide quality services to every child.”
Underfunding has stretched kindergarten services to the limit, with cuts, restructuring, job losses and even closures in some parts of the country as we have maintained qualified teachers and kept costs to families at a minimum.
Whānau Manaaki Kindergartens as an organisation as well as many of the hundreds of teachers who work at our many kindergartens will take part in the consultation process to improve the early learning experience of every child, says Amanda Coulston.
“There are many great ideas in the
draft plan and we will study them carefully and provide
feedback to help ensure that we have a future education
system that meets the needs of all children.”