Learning for Livelihood
Learning for Livelihood
Gender and development activist, Nani Zulminarni from Indonesia will share her passion for community organizing and the economic and political empowerment of grass roots women at this year’s ACE Conference, June 14-16. Nani founded PEKKA, the women-headed family empowerment organization that supports over 30,000 rural widows, abandoned and divorced women in Indonesia.
Nani will join local and international speakers at Te Wharewaka o Poneke on the Wellington Waterfront over two days to explore the theme Celebrate Lifelong Learning Whāia Te Iti Kahurangi. The theme encourages participants to look at the notion of “livelihood" and how lifelong learning supports full community participation and encourages people to live sustainably.
The workshop programme includes interactive sessions on learning in later life, ways to cultivate our collective livelihood, the relevance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in adult and community education, how to use outcomes data to inform funding proposals and rethinking our assumptions about the transitions between school and work, youth and adulthood.
The recently launched ACE learner portal, Ace Place, will also be on show and conference participants will have opportunities to hear updates on adult education in the Asia Pacific Region, and from representatives of political parties.
For information and registration http://www.aceaotearoa.org.nz/events/conference