Giving back to great school in a way that makes a difference
Advisory: Brent Maru: Giving back to a great school in a way that makes a difference
Source: NZSTA
After eight years as a trustee in Motueka Brent Maru is standing again in 2016. Both his children have attended Motueka South School and then Motueka High School, and Brent is currently on the board of both. Both of his children have now left primary school, so like them, Brent is making the move to secondary.
Brent’s areas of strength are in property and finance, and in his first term as a trustee he says he tended to concentrate on those areas. As a new trustee, one of the challenges in the first three years was coming to grips with "MoE-speak" and jargon.
More recently Brent says, the new Health and Safety legislation has caused additional work, but as he says, "I am sure all Boards of Trustees share in the view that we want to provide a safe environment for our staff and children."
Brent is proud of being part of two very supportive and effective boards who employ competent, professional and passionate staff. Along with understanding the MoE jargon, resourcing the school with limited ministry funding has been a real challenge, but Brent says it has been rewarding for him to see students achieve, it has been rewarding to see ongoing development (capital works) at both schools, and being able to contribute to not just one but two great schools has been a privilege.
Schools are an important part of our community and provide opportunities for our children to learn and achieve, Brent says. It is important that the community is involved in their schools, to ensure that they continue to meet and reflect community needs. The more diverse the board the better.
Being a school trustee is a responsibility, however it is also very rewarding. Being able to give something back to a great school in a way that makes a difference is motivation enough for Brent Maru to stand again in 2016.
Election Project Manager Janet Kelly says schools need informed people with a balance of skills and experiences to stand for election as trustees.
Parent, caregivers and people from the wider community can be nominated for election to a school board. It is important that the board reflects its community.
"We need people who can make a positive difference for their local school. A well run school board has the power to lift student achievement - which will then benefit the whole community", she says.
"Anyone interested in more information about trusteeship should contact their local school."
The call for nominations for school trustees will be happening for most schools by the 6th May and closes on the 20th May.