Primary school students need science
Primary school students need science as well as reading, writing and maths
Source: NZSTA
Further information: NZSTA Conference
Science curriculum online
The National Science-Technology Roadshow Trust
school students need a good working knowledge of what
science is and its strengths and weaknesses, They also need
to be able to ask informed questions about science issues,
school trustees at the NZSTA National Conference next
weekend will hear. Boards of trustees have an important
responsibility to make sure that primary school students are
given a strong platform for understanding and learning about
science throughout their lives.
Boards of trustees are responsible for ensuring that the science curriculum is well delivered in their school, alongside other skills such as maths (numeracy) and reading and writing (literacy).
Learning about the nature of science (NOS) as an open-minded process for turning science ideas into questions that can be investigated in a logical and systematic way, that still leaves room for creative insights is an important focus for primary students. Students also need to understand how science interacts with different cultures and how this can lead to the evolution of scientific ideas.
Boards of trustees can meet their responsibilities by making sure that high student achievement in science is part of the school’s strategic plan, and that the school is providing science teaching that aligns with the New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. Boards also need to make sure that staff have access to the support, leadership and resources they need to make this happen.
To make this happen, they need to insist on regular, good quality information about how this is being managed, and how student achievement in science is tracking over time.
The NZSTA National Conference is being held in Auckland over the weekend of 3-5 July. Around 900 school trustees from around the country, including school principals and student and staff trustees are registered to attend.