Miracle materials and mystery particles
Inaugural lecture: Miracle materials and mystery particles
The potential for modern materials science to revolutionise the electronics industry will be the focus of Professor Uli Zuelicke’s inaugural professorial lecture at Victoria University on Tuesday 11 June.
Professor Zuelicke will be discussing how his research is contributing towards global efforts to understand how electrons behave in newly discovered materials, such as graphene.
He will describe some of the counter-intuitive properties the particles in these materials possess, and explore how modern materials science could transform current information-processing technology through the creation of new electronic devices using these materials.
Vice-Chancellor Professor Pat Walsh says Victoria University’s inaugural lecture series is an opportunity for professors to share insights into their specialist areas of study with family, friends, colleagues and the wider community.
“Inaugural lectures are also an excellent way for the University to celebrate and acknowledge our valued professors,” says Professor Walsh.
Professor Zuelicke is an expert in the field of theoretical condensed-matter physics, and joined Victoria University in early 2011, following eight years at Massey University’s Institute of Fundamental Sciences.
He was recently appointed Head of Victoria University’s School of Chemical and Physical Sciences and is a Principal Investigator at the MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology.
Professor Zuelicke has received Marsden Fast-Start and Standard Grants to support his research and, last year, was an invited speaker at a meeting of the American Physical Society. In 2008, he received the New Zealand Association of Scientists’ Research Medal. He is a Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Physics and is a member of the Royal Society of New Zealand.
Inaugural lecture–Professor Uli Zuelicke
‘Miracle materials and mystery particles’
Tuesday 11 June 2013, 6pm
Hunter Council Chamber, Level 2, Hunter Building, Gate 1 or 2, Kelburn Parade, Wellington.
RSVP by Friday 7 June. Phone 04-472 1000 or email rsvp@vuw.ac.nz with ‘Zuelicke’ in the subject line.