Action4Peace: Making a difference in our community
Action4Peace: Making a difference in our community
6 May 2013
Schools all over New Zealand are being invited to participate in the National Schools' Peace Week, a national campaign aiming to raise awareness about peace education and building peaceful communities, from 5th to 9th August 2013.
Organised by The Peace Foundation, the theme for National Schools' Peace Week is "Action4Peace: Making a difference in our community". The goal with this campaign is to get students motivated and passionate in promoting peace through an action, for example creating a community peace garden or getting together and marching for peace there is plenty of creative and fun activities you can do.
Peace Education is about helping students to understand and manage conflict in their own lives, while gaining a broader perspective on how peace is fostered both nationally and internationally.
The Peace Foundation has assembled the "Peace Week Action Kit", a handy guide for teachers of primary and secondary schools, containing information on this annual event, idea of activities, examples of what the week could look like, and much more.
Resources and registration for schools looking to organise Schools' Peace Week celebrations in their schools can be accessed on The Peace Foundation website (