Victoria University tops New Zealand in research rankings
Victoria University tops New Zealand in
research rankings
University of Wellington was today ranked first among New
Zealand universities based on the research performance of
its academic staff.
“Today’s release by the Tertiary Education Commission of the latest PBRF Evaluation ranks Victoria as number one in New Zealand. This validates the commitment of our staff to undertaking and disseminating world class research,” said Vice-Chancellor Professor Pat Walsh.
“With 678 staff actively involved in research, and 70 percent of them operating at the highest levels (ranked as either an A or B), we now have external confirmation of our status as New Zealand’s most research intensive university.
“In 2009 the University Council set an ambitious goal to dramatically improve our research performance and staff have been very focused on achieving this. That commitment has certainly paid off and we are very proud of what we have accomplished.”
The Chancellor, Ian McKinnon, said he is delighted by the results and congratulates the leadership of the University, its Vice-Chancellor, and of course its staff, on the focus given to the importance of research and its value to New Zealand society.
“The Council has been quite clear in its strategic direction in this area and the University has not just responded but has done so at an outstanding level.”
In addition Victoria ranks first or second in 24 subject areas, an increase from 11 in 2006.