Taskforce working parties underway
26 February 2013
Taskforce working parties underway
Working parties set up as part of the joint Taskforce between Wanganui District Council and UCOL have met for the first time and are tasked with generating ideas that reflect the communities’ ambitions for their respective areas of interest. More than 30 people from a range of backgrounds and interests are involved in the different groups.
Chair of the Taskforce Mayor Annette Main said the Taskforce Governance Group is very appreciative of the willingness of people to be involved, donating their time at short notice to look at Fine Arts and Glass education, the provision of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Education, the provision of training to those not engaged in employment, education or training (NEETs) and UCOL Whanganui community connections.
The working parties will meet regularly over the coming weeks, gathering and analysing their ideas before presenting their proposals to the Taskforce Governance Group for consideration.
In committing to this Taskforce, both organisations want to identify relevant community needs for tertiary education and, where sustainable, to see those needs met in the region. Both Wanganui District Council and UCOL will consider the Taskforce recommendations and decide what their respective organisations can commit to for 2014 and beyond.
Two senior officials from the Tertiary Education Commission supported the Taskforce by attending a Governance Group recent meeting and outlining government’s priorities and expectations for tertiary education.