Biblia Abiblia art books at CPIT
28 August 2012
Biblia Abiblia art books at CPIT
Artists including Graham Bennett and Wayne Youle re-imagine the humble library book for Biblia Abiblia, presented by CPIT for The Press Christchurch Writers’ Festival 2012, until Monday 3 September.
Altered decommissioned books from CPIT’s Library form part of the exhibition in the Rakaia Centre, “a rich and engaging exhibition” that “provokes and challenges us in our perceptions of what makes a book, by introducing people to non-traditional techniques of book making”, CPIT Art Curator Julie Humby says.
The exhibition will prompt discussion about when a book ceases to be a book and starts to function as an art book or an art work.
Biblia Abiblia exhibition also showcases a selection of student work from the Book Art and Printmaking programme, Bachelor of Design, at CPIT. Printmaker Michael Reed, who co-curated the exhibition, and well regarded local bookbinder/maker Ying Hua Jiang are tutors on the programme and have contributed works to the exhibition.
Completing the show is photographic and filmed footage of the processes involved in the making of a handmade book, and showing the complete contents of the books on display.
Artists Bing Dawe, Graham Bennett, Maureen Lander, Wayne Youle and Tony Bond, Katharina Jaeger, Kiri Te Wake, Phil Aitken, Carol King Dorothee Pauli and Ying Hua Jiang contributed to Biblia Abiblia.
Biblia Abiblia is open Monday-Thursday 8am - 8pm,
Friday 8am - 5pm, Saturday 10am - 5pm
And Sunday 12 - 5pm
until Monday 3