CPIT celebrates improving international student numbers
CPIT celebrates improving international student
CPIT English language students were presented Christchurch themed t-shirts at a ceremony last Friday to celebrate the largest intake for the School of English since February 2011. 34 students from Japan and China were welcomed to CPIT on Monday August 20; including the first ever group of students from Asia University in Japan.
“We are delighted with our latest intake. It is great to see international student numbers recovering at CPIT. ” Beth Knowles, CPIT International Director said.
The new intake coincides with a trial change in policy by Immigration New Zealand which will give additional work-rights to international students studying throughout Canterbury. From today, English language students in study programmes of 14 weeks or more will be able to work up to 20 hours per week.
“We are very pleased with this new policy which will help us to attract more English language students to Canterbury, assisting our tourism and hospitality industries in particular to flourish. The students’ ability to speak another language is highly valued by employers,” Knowles said.
The improved intake is directly related to a recent ‘Study Christchurch’ visit to Japan in May, supported by Education New Zealand. During the visit, CPIT and other local language providers promoted studying English in Christchurch.
Of the 34 new students, 20 will study English at CPIT for four weeks while the rest will move into longer term programmes. A total of 100 English language students are currently studying at CPIT.