Students Searching for Jobs
Students Searching for Jobs
Yesterday Student Job Search released figures relating to student employment in Dunedin for the first five months of 2012. The figures show the number of students looking for work far outweighs the number of jobs available.
"This isn't a pretty picture for students looking for extra income while they study, the jobs just aren't there for them," said Logan Edgar, OUSA President. "In the future we'll be having allowances cut by the government and as large numbers of students are already looking for work to support themselves I have to question just where the extra work will be coming from to meet this demand."
The figures show a 32% increase in new enrollments in 2012 so far compared to 2011 with 1584 students seeking work up from 1198, but a 25% decrease in students placed down from 1973 to 1475. See table below.
"The figures show that the students placed are working more, and employers need to know students are keen to work and SJS is the free place to get in touch with them," said Mr. Edgar. "There are students out there who really need jobs and more who will be facing cuts to their income."
"The government is already facing
criticism over the disparity between allowance payments and
loan payments which they are expecting students to survive
on more, working is the only way to make up this
difference." said Mr. Edgar. "I say thank goodness we're
living in Dunedin where it's a bit cheaper to live compared
to Wellington or other cities. But unless the jobs are there
to make up the difference I fear our student food bank will
be blowing its budget again and students will be facing
tough decisions just to get the tertiary education that in
today's workforce is a necessity."
Year To Date – OUSA (supplied by
From: 1/01/2012 1/01/2011 %
To: 31/05/2012 31/05/2011
Placed 1,475 1,973 -25
Dollars $2,957,454 $2,396,012 23
Weeks 6,390 5,378 19
New Enrols 1,584 1,198 32
Avg. $
place $2,005 $1,214 65