Strong Support for Compulsory Teaching of Maori in Schools
Strong Support for Compulsory Teaching of Maori in
The education sector union, NZEI
Te Riu Roa strongly supports the call for compulsory
teaching of Maori in New Zealand schools.
National President, Ian Leckie says the organization agrees
with the Trade Minister Tim Groser who says every five year
old in New Zealand should be taught Maori.
Leckie says it has been a long-held view of NZEI Te Riu Roa
that all New Zealand children should have the right to learn
Te Reo.
“Maori is an official language of New
Zealand and Maori culture is a key part of our heritage so
it is very important that all New Zealand children have
access to good quality teaching in Te
However he says along with any commitment
to teach Te Reo to all students, there also needs to be a
commitment to resource that.
“Inevitably there
would need to be additional resources provide for additional
staff and to upskill current teachers.
Roa would welcome discussion with the Government over how to
make progress in this