Fundraiser will aid Haiti education system
Fundraiser will aid Haiti education system
efforts are now underway to enable one cubic metre of
English teaching resources to reach the shores of
earthquake-devastated Haiti.
CPIT has donated the resources following an article published in the April edition of the English Language Gazette. The article highlighted the demise of Haiti’s education system due to the catastrophic 7.1 magnitude earthquake that hit the country in January last year. The majority of the country’s schools, colleges and universities were left in ruins. In particular, teachers working in Port-au-Prince remain in desperate need of language resources for their students.
“We updated our English Language teaching resources last year and so we had an excess of old resources just taking up room and in need of a new home,” says Diana Proctor, English language tutor.
“From one earthquake-stricken country to another, we are happy to help the people of Haiti. We’re now fundraising to ensure the resources get to where they are needed the most – Port-au-Prince,” she says.
Cheryl Wood, school administrator says CPIT’s School of Humanities is organising a fundraiser ball for staff and has other events in the pipeline with all proceeds going towards shipping costs that will see the resources arrive safely in Haiti as soon as possible. CPIT needs to raise $2000.
If you would like to make a donation, please contact Cheryl Wood on or call (03) 940 8452.