Fishing Sustainability Issues to the Fore
Fishing Sustainability Issues to the Fore
New Zealanders are being urged to think about their contribution to sustainable fishing through Seaweek this year.
The theme of “fish for the future” (tiakina nga tupuranga whakaheke) has been chosen to raise awareness of the role of fish in healthy oceans. In the Auckland region, events ranging from free snorkeling to beach clean-ups will contribute to that awareness.
The theme this year will draw out various conversations about what sustainable fishing means, just what marine diversity we do have and how we can best protect it.
Seaweek’s host organization, the New Zealand Association for Environmental Education (NZAEE), has opted for a more challenging series of themes over the next five years to facilitate greater learning about the marine environment. The idea of the week isn’t to preach about what’s right or wrong, but to provide a natural forum for learning from the sea by offering information and opportunities at local and national levels.
National launch events are being held on 6 March at Akaroa, concluding a fundraising walk for Hector’s dolphin, and at Leigh (Goat Island) Marine Reserve, with a free community guided snorkel day.
Seaweek events in the Auckland region include beach clean ups such as the Great Barrier Coastal Clean up, Motion in the Ocean at Western Springs, and clean ups at Long Bay and the Manukau Harbour. Other activities on offer include a free snorkeling day at Leigh (Goat Island), pacific oyster clean ups, take a kid fishing days, a marine leadership competition, Whangateau Harbour ‘bus hikoi’, and three exciting Fuller’s harbour cruises.
To find out more about getting involved in these great events in your local area, check out