New Direction For James Henare Māori Research
New Direction For James Henare Māori Research Centre
Dr Merata Kawharu is now leading the James Henare Māori Research Centre at The University of Auckland.
This follows the recent appointment of the centre’s executive director, Dr Te Tuhi Robust, to oversee Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi courses from NorthTec.
Dr Kawharu gained her doctorate (DPhil) at Oxford University where she was a Rhodes Scholar and has a Graduate Diploma in Business from Auckland. A member of the Māori Heritage Council she has worked on heritage issues, nationally and internationally.
She spearheads the centre’s “Te Ara: Pathways of leadership” project which is funded by the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology.
Continuing as the centre’s Research Director, Dr Kawharu will work in collaboration with the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Māori), Jim Peters.
The James Henare Māori Research Centre, established in 1993, undertakes research which contributes to Māori social, cultural and economic advancement, particularly in Tai Tokerau.
“The centre is in excellent heart and busy investigating potential new areas of research in health, resource management and governance,” says Mr Peters.