OUSA Seek Judicial Review
Otago University Students’ Association
Official Media
12 July 2009.
Attention: Reporters
OUSA Seek Judicial Review
The Otago University Students’ Association (OUSA) has decided to seek a judicial review in relation to the University’s decision to exclude several students from the institution. The judicial review is being sought on three main grounds:
1. That the Vice-Chancellor and the Appeals Board acted unlawfully in applying the Code of Conduct to conduct outside of its jurisdiction.
2. That the Appeals Board acted unlawfully by proceeding in the absence of a student member when it was possible for a student member to participate.
3. That, in any event, the penalty imposed on students was disproportionate to the 'offence' committed.
“Since its inception, OUSA has maintained a consistent stance of opposing the Code of Conduct” said Edwin Darlow, President of the Otago University Students’ Association.
In 2006, a motion was passed at an OUSA Student General Meeting stating: THAT the Otago University Students’ Association opposes the ‘Code of Student Conduct’ on the grounds that the disciplinary measures it proposes are too harsh (and risk exposing students to double jeopardy), whilst doing nothing to address issues in the student community.
“It should be made very clear that OUSA does not condone the conduct that occurred during the Toga Parade; rather it aims to ensure that our members are treated with a certain fairness of process. As such, OUSA feels it necessary to seek a judicial review in order ensure that the University’s Code of Conduct is not applied in a manner that is unfair to our members”
No further comment will be provided at this point in time; supplementary information will be provided when it becomes available and it is appropriate to do so.