Plunket supports regulation of lead content
20 September 2007
Plunket supports regulation of lead content in toys
Plunket supports the introduction of the Unsafe Goods Notice regulating the maximum lead content in toys which comes into effect today.
Sue Campbell, National Safety Advisor at Plunket comments:
“Currently the maximum lead level allowed in toys is covered in part 3 of the joint Australia/New Zealand standard AS/NZS ISO 8124. While the lead level in the standard is supported by manufacturers it is not covered in Product Safety Standard Regulations which would make it a mandatory requirement. The citing of the maximum lead levels as an Unsafe Goods Notice is an excellent interim measure while discussions around a Product Safety Standard on the issue are worked through.”
Plunket also reminds carers of young children that until 1965, many paints had high levels of lead. Any older toys from that era may contain high levels and should be checked. Health protection officers in local public health units can provide information about testing for lead in paint. If you have any concerns about the lead content of any product contact your local public health unit for more information.