“Thinking like Einstein” - Dyslexic Success
Press Release
Learning & Behaviour Charitable Trust
First time in New Zealand.
Presenting - “Thinking like Einstein” – Dyslexic Success
Every day, your school, your teachers, and even your peers draw lines to measure and standardise intelligence. They decide what criteria makes one-person smart and another stupid. They decide who will succeed and who will just get by, perhaps you find yourself outside the norm, because you learn differently – but, unlike your classmates, you have no systems in place that consistently supports your ability and desire to learn. Simply put, you are considered lazy and stupid. You are expected to fail.
We are delighted to bring Tom West to
New Zealand to discuss
Geniuses who hated school – “
Visual thinkers & Nobel Prizes”
“Thinking like
Tom West, from Kraznow Institute, George Mason University, Washington DC will be with us from the 26th April Auckland, 27th Hamilton, 28th Rotorua, 1st May Palmerston North, 3rd May Wellington, 8th May Christchurch, conducting a National tour along these very themes. Cost - $250.00 + GST, we are grateful to Tom for dropping his usual fee.
Thomas West, author of the award-winning book “ In the Mind’s Eye” in its 13th print, was recognised by the American Library Association with a gold seal as “ an outstanding academic title” (1997) and later as one of the “best of the best” (1998). This book now published in several languages is according to one reviewer: “ Every once in a while a book comes along that turns one’s thinking upside down, “In the Minds Eye” is just such a book.” This book argues that major advances in computer visualisation technologies promises to transform education and the workplace – greatly increasing the perceived value of visual talents for understanding patterns in complex systems in business, the sciences and other fields. Many dyslexics are already leaders in areas of technological innovation as well as science and other fields of business – as technological change makes their distinctive visual strengths more and more valuable just as their areas of weakness becomes less and less important.
Mr West was invited to join Kraznow Institute for Advanced Study (Interdisciplinary neuroscience research), George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia to develop a program to investigate the visual and non-visual talents shown by many dyslexics. In connection with “In the Mind’s Eye” Tom has been invited to presentations for scientic, medical, art and business groups in the U.S. and overseas, including groups in Australia, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Sweden, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Netherlands. Tom has organised conferences and consulted on computer visualisation of information for the National Library of Medicine, also for business leaders and media innovators. For years Tom has written a column on visualisation issues for a quarterly publication of the International Professional Society for computer graphic artists and technologists. These columns are now have been turned into a new book titled: “ Learning to think like Einstein – Returning to our Visual Roots with the Emerging Revolution in Computer Information Visualisation”.
Tom West has worked with engineering and consulting organisations where he managed a large international research and training program, helped to redesign a national computer information system, integrated strategic planning for several federal government agencies, with periodic travel to the Middle East, the Far East. Based in Washington DC, West planed to begin work on a new book in late 2004, this one dealing with visual thinking and dyslexic families – focusing, in part on one such family that includes winners of four Nobel prizes. Mr West has appeared on TV programmes produced by the BBC and Twenty/Twenty Television for broadcast by UK channel 4. Articles reviewing or citing “In the Minds Eye” have appeared in Computers in Physics, The American Bar Association Journal, The Boston Globe, Vanity Fair, The Roeper Review, The Financial Times, The Times Educational Supplement, The Independent, The Times, The Evening Standard, The Oxford Mail, The Australian, Kagaku Asahl Science Magazine and the Nikkei Daily among many others.
This seminar for New Zealand should not be missed, the LBCTNZ have been extremely fortunate to secure Tom West for April/May 2006, he and his wife Margaret (A Reporter) are personal friends of our 1st overseas Patron Dr Gavin Reid It is a great honour for us as a country, lets pull it together for Tom West, so that he has much to remember about his time in New Zealand.