Driving Relationships Between Truckies, Teachers
Driving Relationships Between Truckies And Teachers
pilot programme to link secondary school curriculum managers
with leaders in the transport and logistics industry kicks
off today in Manukau City.
The programme, called the Executive For A Day programme, is an initiative of the City of Manukau Education Trust (COMET). It is being piloted in partnership with the Road Carriers Association.
The one-day experience for Heads of Maths and English departments is an opportunity for truckies and teachers to talk together about employment opportunities and skills needs, and will include a briefing session at the Road Carriers Association Headquarters in Penrose on the road transport and logistics industry.
"This industry is a major employer in Manukau City," says COMET Chief Executive, Bernardine Vester. "It is dynamic and innovative. But not many teachers have first-hand experience or knowledge about the nature of the logistics industry in our community. We want to build the understanding in schools of the literacy and numeracy requirements of the industry, as well as providing curriculum leaders in schools with an overview of the full range of employment opportunities for school-leavers."
The pilot programme has been enthusiastically supported by Bruce Reid, Executive Director of the Road Carriers Association. "The programme today is a pilot exercise. It will allow us to evaluate how we might develop better relationships with the schools in our area, to ensure that we can meet our skills needs into the future."
The Road Carriers Association has organised site visits to senior managers and directors in the industry. The programme for the day includes visits to Mainfreight; RoadStar Mangere; Peter Baker Transport and L.W. Bonneys and Sons.
Participating school managers on the pilot day are from Edgewater College, Papatoetoe High School and Mangere College. Further days are planned.