Nationwide poll confirms loan interest too high

Published: Wed 24 Aug 2005 09:23 AM
Nationwide poll confirms student loan interest rate is too high
A recent Colmar Brunton nationwide poll has confirmed that over three quarters of New Zealanders believe the student loan interest rate is too high. The poll of 700 New Zealanders found that 76% believe that the interest rate is either too high or far too high.
“This poll confirms what students and graduates have been saying for years - that the interest rate on student loans is far too high and too harsh for students and graduates,” said Camilla Belich, Co-President of the New Zealand University Students’ Association (NZUSA).
“This poll is a clear vote of confidence from three quarters of New Zealanders for Labour’s pledge of scrapping all interest on student loans,” said Belich.
“The National Party student loan policy of a system of tax rebates on student loan interest repayments does not go far enough, and is out of step with the majority of New Zealanders who believe the interest rate is too high,” said Andrew Kirton, Co-president of NZUSA.
“The National Party must revisit its student loan policy and pledge to also scrap all interest on student loans,” said Kirton.
The poll had a margin of error of 4.4%. A full copy of the poll result is available upon request.

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