ACT’s “student loan policy” a joke

Published: Mon 8 Aug 2005 04:47 PM
ACT’s “student loan policy” a joke
NZUSA is labelling ACT’s plan to ‘nail student debt’ through tax cuts as a joke.
“Tax cuts will not solve the student debt crisis, as ACT have not ruled out substantial increases in tertiary fees and cuts to public education spending,” said Andrew Kirton, Co-President of the New Zealand University Students’ Association (NZUSA).
“Higher tertiary fees and no increases in student allowances will lead to students graduating with substantially higher student debt,” said Kirton.
“If the ACT party believe students, graduates and their families will not connect the dots of the real meaning of their tax cut policy then they are dreaming,” said Kirton.
ACT’s policy involves substantial tax cuts, and assumes that every single dollar received through tax cuts will be used to pay back student loans.
“ACT’s ‘student loan policy’ is nothing more than a regurgitation of their tax cut policy. This policy will largely benefit those on high incomes and does nothing for mothers and fathers who stay at home and look after children and care for family members,” said Kirton.
“The policy is flawed as it assumes that borrowers will use every dollar saved through tax cuts to pay off their student loan,” said Kirton.
“Immediate fee reductions and more student allowances are needed to deal with the student debt monster, not tax cuts,” said Kirton.

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