Deferred Health Screening requirements good news
‘Deferred implementation of new Health Screening requirements good news for international education’
‘Today’s announcement by the Department of Labour that they have deferred proposed new health screening requirements is good news for international education’ says Robert Stevens, Chief Executive of Education New Zealand.
‘We had made our concerns about the proposed requirements known to the Department of Labour’ says Robert Stevens. ‘Our concerns centred on the apparent complexity of the requirements, and the practical implications for prospective students trying to meet them. Whilst we acknowledge and support the reality that NZIS have to ensure that New Zealand’s public health is protected, we have concerns if our regime is to become considerably more cumbersome and expensive compared to that of countries such as Australia, Canada and the U.K.’
‘We want to make sure that any changes are practical and
achievable, and actually address identified risks for both
students and New Zealanders’ says Robert Stevens.