Scheme hides Labour’s student debt failure
1 February 2005
Tertiary savings scheme hides Labour’s student debt failure
Students are today opposing Helen Clark’s announcement on the Government’s intention to establish a savings scheme for tertiary education.
“If the Prime Minister wants to improve the affordability of education she should do so by lowering fees and providing a living allowance for all students,” said Camilla Belich, Co-President of the New Zealand University Students’ Association (NZUSA).
“The proposed savings scheme is putting the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff. Labour has failed to address the drivers of debt like high fees and lack of access to allowances,” Belich said.
Helen Clark announced today in her ‘Statement to Parliament’ that new initiatives are needed to help families save for tertiary education.
“Expecting people to save for their retirement, save for a deposit for a house, make mortgage repayments, pay back their own student debt and save for their children’s tertiary education is a burden a lot of families will not be able to bear,” said Andrew Kirton, Co-President of NZUSA.
“This scheme is a shameless and cunning attempt by the Government to pass the buck for their failure and inaction in addressing the student debt monster,” Kirton said.