Campaign To Get Destiny Church Out Of Wgtn High

Published: Thu 20 Jan 2005 10:41 AM
Not In Our Schools, a campaign to remove the Destiny Church from schools
Wellington High School students have organised a protest against the continued presence of Destiny Church in their school. Despite a series of student protests and a petition signed by more than half the school’s pupils, Destiny Church continues to use the school’s facilities to preach its message of intolerance and hate.
“We have tried every civil means possible to have the church removed, but as the school’s management has consistently failed to address our concerns we feel that we have no option but to take direct action”, said Anne Moar, spokesperson for Not In Our Schools, a campaign which aims to have Destiny Church removed from school campuses across the country. Destiny currently leases the facilities of seven schools nationwide.
“High school students are at a time in their lives when they are forming their identity. They should not be subjected to the presence of an organisation that tells them that the way they want to live their lives is evil, sexually perverted, and will send them to Hell”, said Moar.
“The students of Wellington High School accept that Destiny Church has a right to their beliefs, but we refuse to accept that we have a duty to provide them with a platform to promote them. We are proud of our school’s environment of openness and acceptance, and Sunday’s protest will show that students are willing to stand up for this tolerant environment, even if the Principal and Board of Trustees are not.”
Sunday January 23rd, 2005
- Meet at top carpark WHS 11:30
- Liase with media (interviews requested at this time will be accommodated, time permitting)
- 12.00 Protest chants begin Speeches

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