Student protest shuts down fees setting meeting
13 October 2004
Student protest shuts down Council fees setting meeting
Students at Waikato University today shut down the Council fees setting meeting that was seeking to raise student fees by 3.5 percent and had their own fees setting meeting to abolish student fees all together.
“The decision to raise student fees was short-sighted and fails to take into account the terrible consequences of more student debt for Waikato University students.
“Students at Waikato University cannot afford to be hit with another fee increase for 2006, we are already in mountains of debt that will take decades to repay,” said Sandy Pushpamangalam, President of the Waikato Student Union (WSU).
“Students had their own Council fees setting meeting where it was unanimously decided to abolish student fees and the dreaded student loan scheme and introduce free education for all New Zealanders.”
“The Government needs to stop institutions from constantly raising student fees and force fees to go down not up.”