Stop the bash, Brash
Stop the bash, Brash
First it was the speech by Brash at Orewa, another in Rotorua then in Newmarket. When will the Màori bashing stop?
"The 'honourable' Mr Brash clearly shows his lack of understanding of current issues for Màori" says Rongomaiwahine Vercoe the head of Te Roopu Tautoko, Aotearoa Tertiary Students Association (ATSA) committee for Màori issues.
" It is a responsibility of democracy to protect the less fortunate or well off members of society, current policy is working effectively towards the goal of equality for Màori, who fall behind others in longevity, health and education, the Brash rhetoric threatens to scuttle this, Te Roopu Tautoko would ask Brash to suggest practical solutions to address these issues," Vercoe says.
"What is particularly disappointing is that someone of Mr Brash's stature is influencing the majority against a minority without examining or understanding the consequences,"
"Mr Brash has stated that what he is saying is not racist yet he continually provides examples, normally out of context, which focus solely on Màori and their supposed privileges,"
"Instead of trying to revert to an old
and outdated model of one size fits all, which does not
work, why not promote and use strategies that do." Says