Primary sector input for Massey-Lincoln talks
Primary sector input for Massey-Lincoln relationship talks
Primary sector benefits will be at the heart of any relationship that emerges between Massey and Lincoln universities as discussions continue on what form a closer connection between the two institutions might take.
Views on the possible form of a relationship are now being sought from a primary industry Sector Group, with an external consultant appointed to facilitate the discussions.
“As any relationship between the two universities will ultimately benefit New Zealand’s primary industries, we are very interested in input from the sector on how we can best serve its needs,” say Vice-Chancellor Professor Judith Kinnear of Massey and Acting Vice-Chancellor Professor Roger Field of Lincoln.
For some time the two universities have been looking to form a relationship based on combining their traditional strengths in biological research and teaching for the long-term benefit of the primary sector and the social and economic growth needs of New Zealand.
Dialogue so far has led to a jointly-signed concept paper that expressed the concern of both universities at the on-going under-investment in the research and educational needs of the primary sector, regarded as the most important sector in New Zealand.
The paper, submitted to both university councils, identified the need for change.
Talks between the two universities have been progressing quietly over recent months, and Professor Kinnear and Professor Field say that the two institutions are now looking to explore possible mechanisms that would best lead to enhanced cooperation and effectiveness.
Leaders from across the primary sector have been invited to participate in the Sector Group that will provide advice and support to the universities.
No time frame has been set for any proposal
to be completed.