Step Forward for Parents of Special Needs Children
Thursday, 28 August 2003, 10:52 pm
Press Release: Quality Public Education Coalition - QPEC
Settlement Means Significant Step Forward for Parents of
Children with Special Education Needs
QPEC is very
pleased that the settlement announced today between parents
of children with special education needs and the government
will mean a significant step forward in special education
policy development.
Parents have been left out in the
cold for many years and this settlement for the first time
gives them a voice in the process of policy evaluation and
formulation. There has always been a lot of talk about
partnership but for most parents this has been a myth.
The chance to change that begins today.
It is of course a
disgrace that a group of parents with very limited resources
has had to fight for 5 years to get even this far. QPEC
has been proud to support them against the passive
indifference of government policy development.
settlement does not signal a solution to problems which have
plagued special education policy since the introduction of
SE 2000 from 1998. However if the process of engagement
with policy and resource questions is followed through by
Group Special Education in good faith then by the end of
next year we would hope to see very clear policy change
proposals from the government which should include -
An increase to 2% of school age children receiving ORRS
(On-going and Reviewable Resourcing Scheme) funding. (The
figure is currently 1% although the initial proposals were
for 2% of children to receive this assistance)
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Much better targeting of special education money to schools
such as through the Special Education Grant. This grant
is for children with moderate special needs. However it is
bulk funded to schools so that whether a school has 2 or 20
children with moderate needs the funding is the same!!
This provides an incentive for schools to discourage special
needs children from enrolling. Government
support for special education units where parents and
schools have clearly identified this as a special education
service they require to enhance the learning of
students. Policies which bring an end to
“main-dumping” whereby children with special education needs
are placed in mainstream classes without support.
Wherever a child receives their education this
choice must be resourced properly by the government.
QPEC will do its best to support parents through this
John Minto -
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