Goodman Fielder School Awards Still On
Goodman Fielder School Awards Still On
It is business as usual for the Goodman Fielder School of the Year Awards with the deadline only a month away for this year's entries to be submitted.
Over the past five years Goodman Fielder has invested nearly $1.2 million in New Zealand education through the awards and is keen to assure schools they are still on says Goodman Fielder New Zealand Managing Director, Ron Vela.
"Many schools around the country are currently considering entering and putting together an entry this month and I want to assure them it is business as usual from our perspective," says Mr Vela.
The Minister of Education, the Honourable Trevor Mallard, welcomes this announcement and applauds Goodman Fielder's continuing commitment to excellence in New Zealand education.
"The Ministry of Education has endorsed the Goodman Fielder School of the Year Awards since their inception in 1997 and I am delighted to see the company continues to give strong support to our schools," says Mr Mallard.
Schools have until 5pm on Friday May 2, 2003 to submit an entry under one of five categories based on the size and type of school. The judging panel, chaired by former Governor General, Sir Michael Hardie Boys, will review entries against criteria developed to measure achievements alongside other similar schools.
The $100,000 prize pool for the 2002 Goodman Fielder School of the Year Awards will see five schools each receive a cash prize of $10,000 and a trophy, with a further $40,000 and supreme trophy awarded to the overall winner. The two runners up in each of the five categories receive $1000 cash and a certificate.
Merit certificates will be awarded to 20 schools that show outstanding achievement in a particular aspect of their entry.
The Goodman Fielder
School of the Year Awards' website via the Community
Relations' link) provides information to help schools
prepare their entries.