Economic Success Stands And Falls On Education
Economic Success Stands And Falls On Education – NZSTA
New Zealand will never achieve the economic growth envisaged by the Government unless more money is invested and a greater priority given to education.
That is according to New Zealand School Trustees Association president Chris France who is disappointed to see education being given a seemingly low profile in the Prime Minister’s announcement this week of the Government’s long-term economic vision.
“An innovative economy will only work if it is driven off a world leading education system that produces the people to drive that innovation.
“Government, business and community leaders need to remember education comes a full circle. The youth of today are the business leaders of tomorrow but to achieve their potential our students need a quality education from people who themselves feel that their work is valued.”
High quality educators need to be recognised as leading members of society – indeed they are the most critical profession of all in this information based twenty-first century.
“And yet it seems education has not been identified as a priority,” Chris France says.
“There is a clear need to raise the value of education – and in turn raising the value and esteem of those in the profession because teaching is a complex job. It is vitally important that our educators and their work is valued by all sectors of New Zealand society.
“We need our politicians to take the long-term view and commit to education today for the benefit of our nation tomorrow,” Chris France says. “Only then will we achieve the economic growth and business success that today’s Government desires.”