Bates Saddles National Dressage Championships
The country’s premier national Dressage event, the Bates Saddles ESNZ National Dressage Championships represent the crowning point of the competition season for Dressage in New Zealand, to be held in Taupō from Thursday through Saturday this week.
This event comes hard on the heels of the Defender Horse of the Year in Hastings at the beginning of March, and there is much at stake for those competing for national titles.
There are over 180 riders and horses competing, including:
Waimauku, Auckland: Grand Prix Rider of the Year Wendi Williamson, who is currently chasing scores that will enable her to represent New Zealand in Aachen, Germany at the 2026 FEI World Championships;
Cambridge based: Young Rider of the Year Samantha Belsham (pictured above), an upcoming competitor and daughter of BMW racing driver Ant Belsham;
Pleasant Point, South Canterbury: South Island Small Tour Champion Philippa McLeod, who is bringing her two young daughters north with her, and meeting her horse in Taupō after his six-day journey by truck and ferry.
Wednesday 19th March:
FEI Horse Inspection & Arena Familiarisation
approx. 5pm Horse Inspection (Trot Up)
Thursday 20th March:
8am - 4.30pm North Island Dressage Super 5 League Finals and Grand Prix Qualifying
Friday 21st March:
8am - 6.30 pm incl. Friday Night Grand Prix Freestyle
Saturday 22nd March:
Sat 8am - 4.30pm Day 3 Championships Final Rounds