Photo Contest Creates Buller Social Buzz
With a big Buller “buzz” created through nearly 500,000 social media views of 875 spectacular entries, Promoting Buller organisers are thrilled with their inaugural Summer Snaps competition.
Christchurch man Nathan Secker’s photograph of a family silhouetted in the sunset took first place, and another nine photos taken over summer in the district have also won prizes supplied by Buller businesses.
Promoting Buller Chair Jessie Creedmore says the entries were a stunning showcase, a visual journal through Buller.
“We had no idea this initiative would be embraced so fully. Our communities were ready to celebrate Buller - evidenced by the volume of photos entered, the engagement across social media, all the positive feedback, and supportive coverage by local media.
“The photos entered are of every corner of our district - taken by people of all ages and photographic ability from 'barely picked up a camera' to professional photographers.”
Promoting Buller launched the competition to gather a database of visual images to help show what a fantastic place Buller is to live, work, play and invest.
They will be curated into a digital library but for now can be seen via the Buller NZ Facebook page and Buller NZ Instagram page.
Buller Mayor Jamie Cleine enjoyed being a judge.
“Each photo highlighted aspects of the district that I’m personally proud to be a part of. There is so much on offer and so many different ways that people choose to enjoy and engage with our environment and activities,” he said.
He congratulated the Promoting Buller group’s initiative as “a great idea”.
EPIC Westport Chief Executive and fellow judge Tash Barnes Dellaca agreed.
"I found the photos absolutely incredible—they make me want to get out and explore our own backyard. More importantly, I think they could be highly compelling in encouraging visitors to experience the region,” she said.
Other judges were former Buller High Principal Peter Robertson, Buller High student and Youth Voice Kawatiri Co-Chair Toroa Charteris of Charleston and Sport Tasman Community Outcomes Advisor Tara Papworth of Reefton.
· Promoting Buller is a voluntary group with representatives from around the district which formed out of a workshop in 2023. The organisation works in partnership with Buller District Council, Development West Coast, the Department of Conservation and other collaborators. Promoting Buller has recently been working with independent agency Isthmus and local creatives on a Buller Identity and promotional strategy for the district.