Homeshake Unveils New Single 'Simple' + New Album 'Horsie' Out June 28th | Shhoamkee Records

Published: Fri 24 May 2024 06:12 AM
HOMESHAKE — the long-running solo project of Toronto-based musician Peter Sagar — shares the new single/video, 'Simple,' from his second album of 2024, Horsie, out June 28th via SHHOAMKEE. It’s a track about what happens when you begin to buckle under life’s pressures and slip into a depressive state, and turn to self-medication to ease the stress. The video for 'Simple,' directed by Jim Larson, is the second part of a trilogy of videos for Horsie, with Peter changing form as he steals a car in a panic, and is pursued by a mysterious man riding a Harley Davidson motorcycle.
The video explores themes of paranoia and anxiety, and how close they can be looming at any given time. “Amazing cameos from dear friends, I appreciate them very much,” says Peter. “The sequel to the previous video, Jim did such a good job revealing it. Anxiety and paranoia are close friends of mine.”
HOMESHAKE is an expression of adjustment and contortion within the world as Peter experiences it and the sounds he wants to hear in it. Hallucinatory and heartbreaking in its cries for connection, Peter’s sound is often imitated but has proven to be entirely his own; textural and profound, uniquely honoring his diverse influences but adrift within its own transportive imagination. Horsie employs various textures influenced by artists like Four Tet and My Bloody Valentine, the rhythmic forms of D’Angelo and Sade, and moments of ambient Americana found in the works of Ry Cooder.
Peter approaches every album with the same frame of mind, composing purely for the joy of the moment without consideration to potential commercial reception. Now on his seventh album, a trip through the Homeshake catalog is one of evolution, reflection, and self-criticism, alongside self-love, a clear-eyed realism about the cruelties of the world and a longing for the gentler place it could be.

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