Alert Level 2 Announcement

Complying with the latest update from the Government tonight, The Court Theatre will operate at Alert Level 2 from 6am Sunday 28 February.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced this evening that Auckland will be returning to Alert Level 3 lockdown for at least seven days, following another Covid-19 community case. The rest of the country will go to Alert Level 2 for the same period of time.
We have a proven plan to operate at Level 2 with the safety of our patrons as our top priority. We are committed to continuing to safely provide our world-class theatre and education experiences under Alert Level 2.
This means Winding Up will continue with the successful changes we implemented during the last move to Level 2 that adhered to gathering limits and social distancing. We will be in contact with those patrons with bookings affected as soon as we can to discuss seating and new entry conditions.
Our Box Office team will be contacting patrons with bookings for Winding Up on Monday 1 March first and then they will work their way through the week. We will be working hard and as fast as we can to contact those with bookings affected.
Operating under Alert Level 2 at The Court Theatre sees the installation of safety protection screens to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The screens split our auditorium into two zones that cater to up to 100 people each. Each zone has its own entrance and exit, bar, catering and toilets, so patrons can attend the theatre safely. See One News story about us operating under Level 2 here.
We are adhering to all the latest advice from the Government to keep our artists, staff and community safe from Covid-19. Anyone feeling unwell or has been in any of the places of interest in Auckland, should ring Healthline on the dedicated Covid-19 number 0800 358 5453 and not come into the Court Theatre. You can find detailed information from the Ministry of Health here.
We look forward to welcoming our patrons safely at The Court Theatre and you will still be able enjoy the great pizzas and Giesen wine on offer.
We will continue to provide updates on our website and social media channels.
Kia kaha,