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Māori Language Awards and Māori language revitalisation


Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc. combines bi-annual Māori Language Awards
and annual Māori language revitalisation symposium,
Te Reo ki Tua!

Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc. is pleased to invite the nation to the fourth “Te reo ki tua! Ngāti Kahungunu Language Revitalisation Symposium”, being held on Thursday the 29th and Friday the 30th of August at Clubs Hastings, Victoria Street, Hastings. Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc. is thrilled to host the fourth annual language revitalisation symposium, an initiative that has been developed to further enhance the Ngāti Kahungunu Māori Language Strategy which strives for te reo Māori along with the unique Ngāti Kahungunu dialectal variations to be successfully revitalised as a preferred language of communication by 2027. This initiative showcases some of the tribe's and nation’s most prolific language exponents who have worked tirelessly over decades to successfully revive the language within Aotearoa which was all but nearly decimated during the early 1900s. This symposium enlists an array of well-known personalities, both native speakers and second language learners, having made successful careers within the field.
The ultimate goal from this symposium is to raise awareness around the dire state of our language, and to inspire language champions who will in turn inspire others to learn, use and save the language. The array of speakers covers all facets of the world of language revitalisation, from kapa haka, to marae, to media, to the arts, to teaching, to bi-lingualism within communities, to raising children in a bi-lingual environment. This symposium is for anyone who is interested in hearing innovative ways of learning te reo, mastering te reo, promoting te reo, revitalising te reo and maintaining the zest required to raise native Māori speaking children. The symposium aims at inspiring the key language movers and shakers within the expanse of the Ngāti Kahungunu tribal region. The symposium will be fully bi-lingual to ensure that the message is received by all attendees.
The theme of this year’s symposium is: “He hiki roa tō hiki! – Nothing is easy!”. This symposium showcases some of Ngāti Kahungunu’s and the nation’s leading experts in the field. This symposium aims to inspire language champions by hearing first-hand the trials and tribulations faced by those in the field of language revitalisation, showcasing their innovative methods aimed at the successful retention of the language.
Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc. is also proud to announce that nominations for this year’s Ngāti Kahungunu Māori Language Awards are open. Nominations close on 5 July 2019 so please get in fast to nominate your language champions that align to the following 12 categories:
1. Te Hapori Whānui (Community)
Ka whakawhiwhia tēnei taonga ki te rōpū whakaihuwaka o te reo Māori o roto i te hapori whānui Ngāti Kahungunu, arā, ko rātau tēnā:
- E whakapau kaha nei kia eke te reo Māori ki roto i te hapori.
- E whakapeto ngoi nei ki te whakatairanga i te reo Māori.
2. Te Whānau Whakaihuwaka (Inter-generational)
Ka whakawhiwhia tēnei taonga ki te whānau whakaihuwaka o te reo Māori o roto i Ngāti Kahungunu, arā, ko rātau tēnā:
- E whakapeto ngoi nei kia noho ko te reo Māori hai reo tuatahi, ā, hai reo matua ki roto i te kāinga.
- E whakaheke mōtuhi nei kia pakeke mai ā rātau tamariki ki te reo Māori, ā, kia tangata whenua te reo ki roto i te kāinga.
- E whakaheke werawera nei kia whakarauoratia te reo Māori.
- He iho pūmanawa ki ngā kaimanako i te reo, ā, he tino kaha anō hoki ki te whakatairanga i te reo Māori i waenga i te hapori, i te kura, i te whānau, i te marae me te hapū.
3. Te Tira Hou o Te Reo Māori (Rangatahi)
Ka whakawhiwhia tēnei taonga ki te rangatahi whakaihuwaka o te reo Māori o roto i Ngāti Kahungunu, arā, ko ia tēnā:
- E whakapeto ngoi nei kia nui kē atu te kōrerongia o te reo Māori i roto i te kura, i ngā whakanōhanga tāngata, i te hapori, i te marae, i te hapū rānei.
- E whakaheke mōtuhi nei kia pakari ake tōna anō reo, i tua atu rā i ngā mahi tonu kua whakaritea kētia nā e tōna kura, kua whakatakotongia rānei e te whakanōhanga mātauranga.
- He iho pūmanawa ki ngā kaimanako i te reo, ā, he tino kaha anō hoki ki te whakatairanga i te reo Māori i waenga i te hapori, i te kura, i te whānau, i te marae me te hapū.
4. Te Manu Pāpāho (Broadcasting)
Ka whakawhiwhia tēnei taonga ki te whakaihuwaka o te reo Māori o roto mai i ngā mahi pāpāho, i Ngāti Kahungunu, arā, ko ia tēnā:
- I kōkiri nei i ngā kaupapa tāpua reo Māori i waenga i te hapori, i ngā whānau, i ngā marae, i ngā mahi pāpāho rānei.
- E kaha kōkiri nei i ngā kaupapa whakawhanake reo mā roto mai i ngā mahi pāpāho.
5. Te Kete Aronui o Ngā Toi (Arts)
Ka whakawhiwhia tēnei taonga ki te whakaihuwaka o te reo Māori o roto mai i ngā mahi Toi, i Ngāti Kahungunu, arā, ko ia tēnā:
- I kōkiri nei i ngā kaupapa tāpua reo Māori i waenga i te hapori, i ngā whānau, i ngā marae, i ngā mahi Toi rānei.
- E kaha kōkiri nei i ngā kaupapa whakawhanake reo mā roto mai i ngā mahi Toi.
6. Te Ahorangi o Te Kupu (Teacher)
Ka whakawhiwhia tēnei taonga ki te Ahorangi o te kupu (e whakaako tonu ana, kua heke iho rānei i tana tūranga kaiwhakaako) o roto o Ngāti Kahungunu nei, arā, e:
- Angitū ana ngā mahi reo Māori a ana ākonga.
- Whakamahia ana ngā momo rautaki, ngā momo waihanga whakaako hoki hai kawe i te reo.
- Tae tinana atu ana ki ngā kaupapa whakapakari reo Māori, ki ngā kaupapa whakawhanake pūkenga whakaako reo rānei.
7. Te Tahito o Te Reo Māori (Kaumātua) – Male and Female
Ka whakawhiwhia tēnei taonga ki te tautōhito o te reo (koroua mai, kuia mai), o roto o Ngāti Kahungunu, arā, e:
- Whakatangetange riaka ana ki te whakarauora i te reo o roto i te hapori, i te whānau, i te hapū, i te marae, i te iwi rānei.
- E kōkiri ana i ngā kaupapa tāpua reo Māori i roto i te hapori, i ngā whānau, i ngā marae, i ngā hapū rānei.
- Atawhai, e taunaki ana i ngā kaupapa e tū tangata ai ā tātau rangatira o āpōpō.
- Mātau ana ki te reo Māori.
8. Te Kaikōkiri o Te Reo Māori (Marae)
Ka whakawhiwhia tēnei taonga ki te marae e kōkiri ana i te oranga tonutanga o te reo i roto o Ngāti Kahungunu, koia e;
- Ārahi ana i ngā kaupapa tāpua reo Māori i roto i te hapū me te marae.
- E kaha nei ki te ārahi i ngā kaupapa whakawhanake reo mō te painga o te hapū me te marae.
- E tino manawanui nei ki te kaupapa o te whakarauora i te reo Māori.
9. Te Kahukura o Te Reo (Wahine)
Ka whakawhiwhia tēnei taonga ki te Kahukura o te reo, o roto mai i Ngāti Kahungunu.
10. Te Āwhiorangi o Te Reo (Tāne)
Ka whakawhiwhia tēnei taonga ki te Āwhiorangi o te reo, o roto mai i Ngāti Kahungunu.
Please note: This year the Ngā Tohu Reo will be held throughout the Symposium on 29 & 30 August 2019. Koha Entry. There is no dinner this year as there has been in previous years.
Nominations for the Ngā Tohu Reo can be made via:
The registration cost is koha. Please register your interest at or (06) 876 2718.
Nau mai! Haere mai! Karawhiti mai!

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