Hold history in your hand
Hold history in your hand with one of the legal tender coloured circulating fifty-cent coins, minted to commemorate the centennial of Armistice Day, 11 November, when the First World War ended.
Over 100,000 New Zealanders fought in that war, and more than half were killed or wounded. It is a moment to pause, a moment to remember, a moment to contemplate.
Find out about the coin, about some of the people, and why that history is alive today - even down to how that war affected the way economics works now, in a Reserve Bank Bulletin article, out today.
From 3 September you’ll be able to order a limited number of Armistice Day coins through the NZ Post website, and the rest will enter general circulation from 1 October.
More information:
Read the Bulletin article: The historical
meaning of the Reserve Bank’s Armistice Day