Tongan Born New Zealander wins second Professional bout
Tongan Born New Zealander wins second Professional bout

Tongan Born New Zealander, Nailini Helu has won her second professional bout. Helu won against Sarah Long by unanimous decision.
The 22 year old is
currently ranked 10th in the world by independant boxing
records keeping and computerized rankings system boxrec.
Helu is also ranked 10th currently in the UBF.
Helu is
the older sister to Professional boxer Panuve Helu. Panuve
Helu just recently came off a win against Tauranga Resident
Jonathan Taylor. Panuve is scheduled to fight Fili Mailata
in August in a rematch after a controversial draw and again
in september against an opponent that is still to be
Both Nailini and Panuve born in Tonga and
residing in Auckland, New Zealand are Tonga's biggest boxing
prospects, showing massive amount of
Nailini has an incredible amateur career,
winning three New Zealand National Championships in 2012,
2014 and 2015 and also reaching the semifinals in 2013.
Nailini debut as a pro in April this year on the Kali
Reis vs Maricela Cornejo WBC World title undercard in
Auckland, New Zealand. Helu defeated Hamilton, New Zealand
resident Kirsty Lupeamanu for the inaugural Royal Rampage
World female heavyweight title.
Nailini Helu is
looking to fight for the New Zealand title next and then a
regional title bout in hope to fight for a world title
within the next two