Twelfth Doctor to Visit NZ for Intimate Evening with Fans
26th June 2015
Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi to Visit New Zealand for Intimate Evening with Fans
BBC Worldwide ANZ today announced that Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi, will head to Auckland, New Zealand on the 24th November for an intimate evening with fans.
This visit will follow on from the Doctor Who Festival in Sydney to be held in November and last year’s successfulDoctor Who: The World Tour where Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman visited seven cities, in 12 days including Sydney, Seoul, New York and Rio de Janeiro.
Commenting on the forthcoming trip Peter Capaldi said: “New Zealand was one of the first countries to ever show Doctor Who, so this feels like a very special trip. To reach a place that has kept the flame alive for so very long, kind of feels like Doctor Who is coming home."
Further details of the event and venue will be available shortly. To be the first to hear about tickets sign up to the newsletter here
Doctor Who Series 9 will premiere on Prime later this year.