Emoji Fastest Growing Language on the Planet
Spark New Zealand says its no surprise that new research has shown emoji is the fastest growing language on the planet.
The survey, released in the UK by the TalkTalk group, shows that emoji is used by 80% of all Brits.
Here in New Zealand, Jessica Moloney, the Social Media Marketing Manager at Spark says the numbers are no surprise.
“Kiwis have really embraced emojis and increasingly we see our customers are using them to communicate with us on social media. It isn’t just young people anymore, the faces and symbols are proving useful for everyone.
"In the same way that a picture is worth a thousand words, an emoji can be a quick and effective way to convey tone and emotion in digital communication. Kiwis may have a reputation for being less out-there than some other nations, but we’re taking to emoji as a great way to get our feelings across and reduce the chances of being misunderstood. And there is plenty of science behind this. Researchers have shown that, given the choice, people prefer to use emojis to make their tone and meaning clear.
“We know that some people are feeling so familiar with this language now, they have entire conversations in emoji ."