Kiwis to Pledge Allegiance to the Iron Throne
Kiwis to Pledge Allegiance to the Iron Throne to #Changethethrone

Game of Thrones fans are challenged to change NZ monarchy from Windsor to Westeros In anticipation of the launch of the fifth season of the cult HBO® TV series Game of Thrones®, SoHo, SKY’s premium entertainment channel, is offering Kiwis the chance to pledge their allegiance to the Iron Throne of Westeros.
Game of Thrones fans can now scorn scones and corgis and make their voices heard by signing a petition in favour of a Westeros Kingdom reign over the current Windsor castle rule. Kiwis can pledge their allegiance at or in person at the movement ‘hub’ in Aotea Square, Auckland. If enough names are pledged to the Iron Throne, the fans’ calls will be demanded to be heard.
A live update of those who have pledged takes the form of a giant scroll in Aotea Square exhibiting the names. Once fans have made the pledge, they are able to sit on a two metre replica of the Iron Throne to feel its power and glory and have a photo captured to share on social media.
Mike Watson, SKY’s Director of Marketing, says, “Game of Thrones fans are such diehard supporters, so it’s highly likely they’ll jump at the chance to swap out the monarchy for one that rules with a sword, punishes with a sword and even parties with a sword.
“So if you’ve always fancied the idea of riding a dragon to work, here’s your chance to sign up now,” he said.
Fans are able to follow the conversation using the hashtag #changethethrone on social media and stay updated on the campaign progress at, and monitor the progress as provenances throughout the land one by one favour a Westeros rule and, for example, Auckland becomes ‘Aucklantis’.
The new season of Game of Thrones premieres exclusively on Monday April 13 at 1.00pm, the same time as the US, and at 8.30pm on SoHo, SKY Channel 010.