Variety Trillian Bash Delivers Bikes for Kids
Variety Trillian Bash Delivers Bikes for Kids

The Variety Trillian Bash called
in at a hospital and seven schools today between
Wellington’s Lyall Bay and Featherston, but it was the
last which really plucked at heartstrings.
Three young boys had been recommended by their school for assistance, and the Bash crews arrived with a very special prize – a brand-new bicycle for each of them.
Cliché though it may be, but there was barely a dry eye in the house as the three were called up front, and turned to face away from the assembled kids and the Bash crews as the bright-red bikes were unloaded.
When they turned round they were speechless – but not for long. Soon they had their new helmets atop the Haier ‘25th Anniversary Bash’ hats, had a quick lesson in how to put them on properly, and two of them were off, pedalling around the playground, with a member of the Suess Subbus crew pushing the third – who has yet to learn to ride.
And at the back, their mum, in tears that these strangers would come from all over New Zealand to deliver the bicycles she can’t stretch far enough to buy.
Next stop, she says, is the Goodwill store to see if they have trainer wheels on the shelves for her youngest.
As for the Bash crews, they were off to Cape Palliser, then back to Masterton for more school visits in the morning.