30th Waikato Home & Garden Show Biggest and Best Ever
30th Waikato Home & Garden Show Biggest and Best Ever

2014 Waikato Home & Garden Show was a resounding success
according to visitor and exhibitor feedback.
Despite the
changeable weather, more than 33,000 visitors from Auckland,
Taranaki, the Bay of Plenty and throughout the Waikato
flocked to Claudelands Events Centre to see the biggest and
best Show yet and they weren’t disappointed.
Visitor comment confirmed a renewed commitment to investing in and protecting their most important asset which was evidenced by an outstanding level of enquiry from those renovating, building and undertaking extensive projects inside and outside their homes.
This year's event was the largest Show in its 30 year history, with more than 450 exhibitors. Visitor surveys recorded visitors from Taranaki, Taupo, Bay of Plenty, Southern Auckland and of course from throughout the Waikato.
Popular with visitors was the huge sporting and music arena - one of the six massive pavilions at the Event Centre. The arena displayed an eclectic mix of home products, the ‘Design at its Best’ a five room concept house featuring outdoor kitchens, the 12 person cane gazebo and the unique Indonesian Boatwood furniture, a Mediterranean garden, the latest concepts in outdoor living including outdoor kitchens, state of the art spa pools, combined with the historic aspects of Hamilton’s 150 year celebrations with veteran vehicles and a motorcycle and one of only two in the world photo players being restored here in Hamilton. The free seminar areas were packed with visitors interested in learning about bathroom, kitchen and outdoor living concepts.
Many visitors said their reason for visiting the Show was to secure special Home Show prices and to see the very latest products for building, renovating, decorating and landscaping conveniently under one roof and at one time.
Fabulous food and refreshments also proved a hit with visitors loving the cafés and restaurant offerings including scallops and salmon from Domaine restaurant, Mills Reef Wines and Kalex Wines from central Otago with their special Pinot Noir. Many companies sold out of products. Bamboo Pillows owner Bruce Smith sent a driver back to Auckland to replenish stock on Saturday evening.
Graham Hannah said visitor numbers and feedback from exhibitors reflected recent data on national spending trends putting Waikato ahead in DIY and renovation.
“There was a positive uplift in visitor's
renewed interest in renovating, decorating, furnishing and
building new homes.”
He said the three seminar areas
providing free seminars on all aspects of design, colour and
cooking proved hugely popular and visitor satisfaction
surveys and exhibitors feedback enthusiastically confirmed
this year's show was one of the best ever he said.
As the
450 plus exhibitors began the job of dismantling their
exhibitions, Graham Hannah commended them on the quality of
their exhibitions.
“In a changing environment our event
has maintained its position as the country's leading
consumer event. In doing so the event continues to make a
significant contribution to the local economy and provides
businesses with a unique opportunity present new and
existing products and services in a way no other sales
method can”, he said. The event also provides a cost
effective way for new businesses to showcase their products
and services to their target markets.
Plans are already underway for the 2015 Show and while it’s hard to believe organisers are confident they will surpass the amazing 30th Show.
Waikato Home & Garden Show – Best Stand Awards for 2014
Best Outside Stand: HotSpring
Spas New Zealand
Best Small Stand: Lee Roofing and Garage
Best Direct Marketing: Bamboo Pillows
Stand: Origin Windows & Architectural Profiles. This award
wins $2,000 worth of radio advertising from The
Stand Award of Excellence: Design at its Best by
Rooms Design, supported by Rezlab Group & Pragma Designer
New award created for the 30th Show : Special
Feature Award: Wild Exposure.
Gold Judged NZ Landscape
Design Award: Denise Robinson, Wintec. (Photo
Winner of the Public Choice for the NZ
Landscape Design Award: Kim Wood, Kowhai Landscape
Highly Commended
• Not Just
• Meyer Gouda Cheese
The Floor Store
• Dreamboat Books
Waikato Shade Solutions
• Smartfoods –
Vogels Cereal
• The Tile Warehouse
• Urban Homes
Vilagrad Winery
• Coopers
• Shunters Yard Brewery
Handcrafted Copperwork
• Top of the
• Hellers
• Tuscany
• Rukuhia Homestead